
Wrotham Heath Golf Club

Golf Buggy User Policy

Aim of Policy

Wrotham Heath Golf Club wishes to encourage the participation in golf of all players regardless of disabilities. This Policy is in accordance with the Wrotham Heath's obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and sets out guidelines for both general use and use in competitions organised by Wrotham Heath Golf Club Ltd. 

1. Conditions for use of a golf buggy

Any member may use a golf buggy providing that they agree to the following terms and conditions of use"¦

a) Users of buggies must have adequate personal and third-party insurance and must provide a copy of the up-to-date Certificate of Insurance to Wrotham Heath Golf Club prior to use.

b) Any person operating a buggy must sign a Buggy Use Acknowledgement Form.

c) Any person operating a buggy is responsible for making sure it is maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

d) Any person operating a golf buggy must do so with the utmost courtesy and consideration for the safety and convenience of others and in accordance with any relevant golf buggy operating guidelines.

e) Golf buggies should not exceed walking pace during the play of a hole.

f) A golf buggy must not impede or interfere with pedestrians or vehicular traffic flow on roadways, ramps and pavements.

g) Users of golf buggies must remain seated in the buggy at all times while the vehicle is in motion.

h) Users of golf buggies must comply with directional signs as indicated on Buggy Map and must not use any areas which are prohibited to buggies.

i)  Failure to agree to all terms and conditions may result in the player being denied permission to use a golf buggy.

2. Conditions of Buggy Use in Competitions

a) It is a condition of the following competitions that players must walk at all times, unless permitted to use a golf buggy by The Golf Committee, in accordance with this policy:

All Medal rounds that affect a players handicap
All Stableford rounds that affect a players handicap
All drawn Knockout competitions

b) The Golf Committee may not without good reasons refuse a request for permission to use a golf buggy if the criteria above are met.

3. Conditions in which use of a golf buggy may be permitted

3.1 Where a determination is made that the use of a buggy may be permitted The Golf Committee shall have regard to the following additional health and safety considerations before granting approval:

a) Any relevant weather conditions.

b) The topography and ground conditions.

c) The condition of and suitability of the golf buggy.

d) Any other relevant considerations which could impede the safe use of a golf buggy or impact on the safety of others.

3.2. In the event that The Golf Committee believes that for reasons of health and safety a golf buggy should not be used by players they may:

a) Refuse to grant permission for the use of a golf buggy, and shall inform the player of this decision or"¦

b) Revoke any such permission in the event of new health and safety considerations having come to light since the granting of the initial permission to use a golf buggy.

3.3. It will in any event be a requirement of any player or other third party granted permission to use a buggy to complete and sign a Buggy Use Acknowledgment Form prior to use.

4. Appeals Procedure

Any decision by the Golf Committee to refuse a player permission to use a golf buggy may be appealed by the player to the Wrotham Heath Golf Committee.

An appeal shall be made in writing to the Wrotham Heath Golf Committee within 5 working days of the date of the initial decision. Any written appeal request shall also include a statement by the player of the reasons why he/she is seeking to appeal the decision.

The Wrotham Heath Golf Committee shall make a decision on an appeal and communicate it to the player or caddie within 10 working days of the initial appeal.

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