Wrotham Heath Golf Club Ltd regards good Health and Safety practice as a vital part of its business. It is therefore Wrotham Heath Golf Club's policy for management and employees at all levels to do all that is reasonably practicable to maintain the highest level of Health and Safety. Our aim is to prevent injury and protect from any foreseeable harm all staff, Club members, contractors and members of the general public, who come into contact with Wrotham Heath Golf Club and any of its undertakings.
The management has a responsibility to"¦
- Provide and maintain a safe place and safe systems of work, without risk to health and as far as reasonably practicable taking into account any statutory requirements.
- Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment, ensuring that statutory and manufacturer's requirements are met.
- Ensure that all employees are adequately trained and informed before commencing work.
- Ensure that all procedures/processes, which may involve hazards, are covered by suitable risk assessments. The findings of the risk assessments are to be updated as necessary and employees and members are informed of their contents, or can be supplied upon request in compliance of HS regulations.
- Provide training, information and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
- Make available all necessary equipment to ensure safe system at work and to supervise its use.
- Investigate all accidents and near misses to identify the root cause and to ensure that lessons learned are disseminated to avoid further accidents.
- Audit health and safety systems every 12 months to ensure they continue to work effectively.
- Consult with our employees or their elected representatives on matters concerning health and safety.
- Ensure that the same standard of health and safety is provided to other persons who may be affected by our undertaking.
- Communicate the contents of this policy to staff by consultation meetings.
- Make the necessary personnel and financial resources available to implement this policy.
Employees have a duty to co-operate with the management in the operation of this policy by:
- Working safely and efficiently not endangering their own or others safety.
- Using protective equipment provided and by meeting statutory obligations.
- Reporting incidents that have led, or may lead, to injury or damage.
- Reporting of defective equipment and unsafe situations.
- Adhering to work practice procedures, jointly agreed on their behalf, for securing a safe workplace.
- Assisting in the investigation of accidents with the object of introducing measures to prevent a recurrence.
Wrotham Heath Golf Club operates an open door policy and welcomes the input and comments of its employees, members and anyone affected by its activities on all matters concerning to health and safety. All matters raised will be dealt with promptly and effectively. In the first instance please direct any queries to the Club Secretary.
The allocation of duties for health and safety matters and the particular arrangements for the
implementation of this policy are as set out in this Policies and Procedure manual.
This policy will be kept up to date, particularly if Wrotham Heath Golf Club Ltd changes in nature and size. To ensure this, the policy, and the way it is implemented, will be reviewed annually.